Facts about Jamie;

NAME: Jamie
AGE: 31
LOCATION: Northeast, Ohio, USA
NICKNAMES: J, Jamster, Jamie Jamerson, Jookie, James, Sissy
BIRTHDAY: February 24th
JOB: I was recently laid off from my inbound sales job when my office closed and looking for a new adventure outside of the sales field.
EYE COLOR: Blue with a tint of green
HAIR COLOR: Light Brown
PETS: Angel & Oz, male beta fish.
WHAT KEEPS ME AMUSED: Fangirling, taking photos, making icons, hanging out with friends & family, reading, & laughing.

; I am named after my grandmother and great-grandmother (middle name).
; When I was a kid I thought my name should have been Tiffany, Amber or Elizabeth.
; I still like music groups from my "teen days" such as Backstreet Boys (I still see them in concert when I can) and Spice Girls.
; My sister and I are exactly 11 years, 3 months, 11 hours & 30 minutes apart.
; I dislike scary movies with a passion. Sometimes trailers for the movies do me in.
; I am crazy about baby names, I have about 15 baby naming books that I have collected since I was a kid. Check out my favorite names.
; I am afraid of many things including needles, heights, being pubically embarrased, and bees.
; I love the color blue. If I can own something in blue, I will. My phone is blue and even my Wii is blue.
; I always sleep with a blanket year round. Even if it's 90*.
; I am not a morning person but once I am awake, I am the most productive at that time of day.
; I've only had 11 pets of my own in my lifetime and all were fish. Their names have been Mary-Kate, Tookie, Hermione, Xander, Cordy, Numfar, Tara, Riley, Drusilla, Angel, & Oz.
; I love watching NASCAR. Jeff Gordon has been my favorite driver since 1994 which is around the time I started watching.
; I wish I could tan..just once in my life! It won't happen, I'm the palest person ever. Ask anyone!
; I am a horrible speller. Thank goodness for Google & spell check.
; I was the first girl grandchild on both sides of my family
; I have a slight obsession of buying TV shows on DVD.
; My favorite thing to do is to swing on the swingset. You feel so free but it's scary at the same time.
; I like to collect things. I collect Omar Vizquel, Harry Potter, Backstreet Boys, and Mary-Kate & Ashley (not as much as I used to) merchandise. I collect spoons from various states and autographs (my collection is really small though). My two biggest collections are my Shirley Temple movies/books & my The Baby-Sitters Club series books.