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1.07 Angel 1.12 Prophecy Girl 2.01 When She Was Bad 2.05 Reptile Boy 2.12 Bad Eggs 2.19 I Only Have Eyes for You 2.21 & 2.22 Becoming 3.01 Anne 3.03 Faith, Hope & Trick 3.04 Beauty and the Beasts 3.05 Homecoming 3.08 Lovers Walk 3.09 The Wish 3.10 Amends 3.16 Doppelgangland 3.19 Choices 3.22 Graduation Day 4.19 New Moon Rising 4.20 The Yoko Factor 5.07 Fool for Love 5.17 Forever 5.22 The Gift 6.17 Normal Again 7.11 Showtime 7.21 End of Days Characters: Faith Lehane Characters: Spike Characters: Willow Rosenberg Misc: Alternate Realities Other: Mutant Enemy Relationship: Buffy, Willow + Xander Relationships: Angel & Spike Relationships: Buffy & Angel Relationships: Buffy & Xander Relationships: Faith & Buffy Relationships: Oz & Willow Season 3 Song: Buffy/Angel Love Theme